Hey Stars, it's time to Hit the Showers again!
Hit the Showers for the Homeless is a community service project we launched last year when we realized homeless shelters need individual-sized toiletries for families in need. Hockey players spend many nights in hotels through the season, so we thought collecting hotel-provided toiletries would be a great way for us to work together to help our community.
Last year Stars players donated hundreds of items to the shelter operated by the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in downtown Kansas City. The shelter has given out nearly all the toiletries we collected and they are ready for more!
The shelter director said a lot of people were helped by our efforts last year. “The boys did great work. A lot of people don’t realize hotel-sized hygiene items are a big help to homeless people. Their small size makes them easy to carry and easy for agencies and churches to store. This is a simple way to provide a very valuable service. It is also a great way to help the poor.”
Helping out is simple:
1) Keep your Hit the Showers bag in a side pocket of your hockey bag
2) Fill the bag with hotel-provided toiletries when you travel
3) Drop the toiletries in the Hit the Showers bin at the rink
4) We'll pick up the items from the rink, sort them and deliver them to the shelter
Someone from your team can pick up your Hit the Showers bags later this week from the front desk at the rink.
With your help, we'll clean up again this year!
Nick Jones
Brendan Jones
Tyler Doyle
Miles Manson
Tag(s): News & Events